Recipe: Grilled Sirloin, Whisky and Black Pepper Jus, Green Pea and Tomato Salsa


Grilled Sirloin, Whisky and Black Pepper Jus, Green Pea and Tomato Salsa

Serves 2

2 x 220g sirloin steaks

Olive oil

Salt and pepper

50g wild rocket


Green Pea and Tomato Salsa

80g cooked peas

80g cherry tomatoes quartered

5g chopped parsley

10ml olive oil

Squeeze of lemon juice

½ red onion chopped

Combine all the ingredients for the salsa and season with salt and pepper.


Black Pepper Jus

½ red onion chopped

4 button mushrooms chopped

Canola oil

250ml beef stock

250ml cream

3ml crushed black pepper

60ml whisky

Sauté the onion and mushroom with a little oil until nice and brown, deglaze with the whisky and bring to the boil. Add the black pepper and stock and reduce by half.  Add the cream and reduce by half.

Blend with a stick blender and season with salt. Taste and, depending how strong you like your black pepper, add more if necessary.

Season the sirloins with salt, pepper and olive oil.  Pre-heat your pan until nice and hot.  Pan fry your steaks to desired cooking degree. Allow your steak to rest for 2 minutes before slicing.

Slice the sirloin in half, place on a bed of rocket, top with the green pea and tomato salsa and drizzle the black pepper jus on the plate.

Serve with a glass of delicious Steenberg Merlot.









Recipe by Chef Kerry Kilpin from Bistro Sixteen82